Using a Chemex is a fantastic brew method, but due to its uniqueness, it can be rather tricky to clean. That’s why today, I’m going to show you how to clean a Chemex step-by-step.

The cool beaker-like design is excellent, but it can be hard to access the inner workings to scrub them. Ensuring all your previous batches of coffee are removed is the first step in thoroughly cleansing your Chemex.

Keeping your Chemex coffee brewer clean will ensure it has a long life and makes great-tasting coffee. We’ve put together this short guide to share a few must-know tricks and tips for when it’s time to clean your Chemex.
Soap and Water
The number one way to avoid a buildup of bacteria in your Chemex is to thoroughly clean it after each use. One of the most effective and arguably the simplest methods is to clean your Chemex with soap, water, and a brush.

Ideally, you want to use a brush with soft bristles and an arm long enough to scrub the internal walls and corners. After scrubbing, it’s essential to rinse thoroughly to avoid the risk of any soapy flavors contaminating your next batch.
A Hot Rinse
While less meticulous than the method outlined above this technique still cleans your Chemex, it just doesn’t sanitize it. Boil some water, pour it into the Chemex, and swirl it around for a minute or two. This hot rinse will flush out all of the old coffee and prevent your next batch from altering or impairing its taste by the last batch. For that simple purpose, the hot rinse technique is more than enough.
A Cold Rinse
This method requires a full pint of ice, around two tablespoons of table salt, two or three drops of liquid dish soap, and water. The first step is to ensure no residual coffee is left in your Chemex. Then pour in the ice, salt, and liquid dish soap and mix it all up. Next, you’ll want to fill up Chemex with water, about a third of the way full should be enough.
Once you start to swirl, you should see a froth start to develop. The swirling ice applies the right amount of force to scrub the coffee oils and residue off the glass without risking scuffing it, and the table salt acts as a mild abrasive to help get rid of any coffee stains and mineral residue from the water. If your Chemex really needs deep cleaning, you will want to swirl for a minute or two longer.
White Vinegar Flush
Many Chemex users find a white vinegar solution an easy, effective, and economical means of cleaning. For this method, you must pour around 2 ounces more than your average batch of coffee white vinegar into your Chemex and let it soak.

After approximately thirty minutes to one hour, rinse it thoroughly with soap and water, or just water, and leave it to dry. It’s recommended that you leave it out to dry overnight in a well-ventilated area so that the vinegar’s taste and smell naturally air out. When doing this, you must rest part of the lip of your Chemex on an object.

This is because if the lip is completely flat, there will be no airflow, which will cause condensation and, in the worst case, molding. Be sure to prop up one side of your Chemex to avoid this.
Use A Dishwasher – If It’s Safe To Do So!
The majority of Chemex are dishwasher safe. So, if you check your and the manufacturer has approved the use of a dishwasher, then go right ahead. Cleaning your Chemex in a dishwasher can leave it looking immaculate, but due to its delicate body, it’s important to be extremely cautious. If you decide to wash your Chemex in the dishwasher, you should definitely remove the collar and tie it before loading it in.
So, there you have it. Now that you know a variety of ways to keep your Chemex clean, you’ll be able to treat your taste buds to the best quality coffee they deserve. Remember, there’s nothing quite like the taste of coffee brewed in a Chemex.